Friday, August 6, 2010

Wedi Ombo Beach

 Wedi Ombo Beach One Year on the beach held once a cultural tradition that is ceremonial procession ngalangi catch fish by using gawar made from tree roots that spread wawar as anchored nets Kedung dowok and driven away from the hill together to the sea by the local community.
In one region to the coast have Gremeng Beach, Beach and Island Jungwok flying fox (an island inhabited by thousands of bats) that can be achieved by tracing around 1.5 KM east.

Wedi Ombo Beach - Jogjakarta of java
Why is called Beach Wedi Ombo (a vast expanse of sand ) Because the beach is so vast expanse of white sand. It is not just on the Beach is also lined Wedi Ombo Reef is so beautiful to the eye. So that when the wave came and hit the rocks around the existing beach is going to look very thrilling beauty.

 Wedi Ombo Coast is a lot of Fishing at night, because that's the night time fish will appear, especially big fish. Fishing on the coast of coral reef rock is not easy, because once we have eaten the bait quickly to attract to bait fish are not eaten then brought ran into the reef. And not infrequently that a lot of strings which eventually broke up.


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