Jatijajar Cave In Indonesia Gua Jatijajar
Jatijajar Cave is one of the prime object in Kebumen. This cave extends along the + / - 250 meters with an average width of 25 meters by 15 meters, making it easier for visitors to enter. Inside the cave there are still bottom of the river are still active and there are also fruit spring emapt namely: kantil, roses, Jombor and navel of the earth. Spring kantil and Rose believed to make the youth to anyone who would wash his face with water that is on the second spring.
In this cave has installed a variety of colored lights that will add a distinct impression while enjoying it. Not only the installation of lighting, inside this cave has also been filled with a variety of life-size statues that tell the story of Raden Kamandaka or better known as the monkey story Kasarung. The sculptures are colored white and placed in groups at different points of the cave represents a fragment of the story. Unfortunately no complete brochure on this object lead to visitors who do not know the story Kasarung monkey, less able to enjoy or understand about the fragments of what is being told by the statues. There is a good time enjoying the content of this cave, visitors are accompanied by a tour guide so they can know and enjoy more fully the contents of the cave.
Inside the cave also has been created for lane road made of cement. On the way down or climbing stairs also has been created complete with a handle made of iron. Left and right hand road at a certain distance has also been installed penenrangan lights, all of which certainly will be increasingly easier for visitors to explore the entire contents of the cave. This cave also has many holes out on top, the sun broke through into the cave to give the impression of its own wonderful when enjoyed.
Stalactite and stalagmite rocks that exist in this cave is quite interesting, including even still active to continue to grow. It is characterized by the persistence of water flowing and dripping at the edges. But personally I feel the presence of the statues that exist in this cave, a little or not turning visitors to enjoy a pattern or ornament of existing rocks. Games light of the existing lighting should be arranged in such a way that can add a beautiful impression that there would be stone ornaments
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