Friday, August 6, 2010

BArong Temple and Kadisoko Temple

Barong Tample - Yogyakarta
Barong  Tample is located in Orchard Candisari, Sambirejo Village, Prambanan District, Sleman District, Province IN Yogyakarta. Candi Barong by naming the local population is closely related to the existence of kala decoration on each side of the body of the temple. Such ornaments resembling barongan image. The earliest literary mention of this temple in the 1915 Chrition. In the book by the name of the temple called Candi Barong Sorogedug Sari. Hindu temple is patterned with a strong tendency toward cult because it was found the statue of Sri Vishnu and Lakshmi, Vishnu accompaniment. This temple complex pages in the form of three pieces of the higher terrace to the east. On the highest terrace there is a corridor and two temples that have no windows and doors. On each side of the temple is located niche with kala and makara decoration. Barong temples have been built in 900 Meters.

Barong Temple  believed to be built around the IX-X Christion century . Religious background of this temple is a Hindu. This statue is known from the findings that were identified as Dewi Sri, the wife of the god Vishnu who is the goddess of fertility, the winged shell ornaments (sankha) which is one symbol (like) the god Vishnu, and the top of buildings (top) in the form of jewels ( ratna). The temple building is expected to function for cult activities relating to the application of fertility. This may be related with the soil conditions around the temple which is less fertile, so that the state is expected to worship the goddess Sri soil will become fertile.

Barong temple yard is divided into three parts, the higher the back. The third terrace, top floor, is the most sacred pages. On the terrace there are two temple buildings which have almost the same shape and size. The first temple measuring 8.20 meters x 8.20 meters with a height of 9.25 meters, while the second temple measuring 8.25 meters x 8.25 meters with a height of 9.25 meters. The difference between them lies in the ornament and statue. Under both cases, the first temple built to worship the god allegedly Vishnu, while the second temple to the goddess Sri. On page two there are terrace structure size 7.80 meters x 12.30 meters, and some of the octagonal stone umpak. Presumably these structures is the foundation of the building with a roof of wood pendapa. Whereas in the first core page not found the building structure.

Barong Cecara whole temple complex was built in two phases predicted. It can be seen from several indications that found when doing renovations, including the findings of the first phase of development talud which until now can be seen south of the second temple. In the first stage, the complex is only one temple which was built the first temple. In the second phase was the expansion of the third page to the south side and the construction of the second temple in the south of the first temple


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