Padang Bai is located in the village of padang Bai, Manggis, Karangasem, the distance is 40 km from the city of Denpasar, or approximately 30 km north of Amlapura. Location of Padang Bai is located on the coast road direction Klungkung-Karangasem turn towards the right. In Padang Bai is now there has been some fruit lodging and restaurants for tourists who enjoy your holiday there, as well as tourists who would go on to Lombok or newly come from Lombok. For the purposes of crossing to Lombok available ferry which is ready to serve tourists or people who go on to Lombok, 4 times crossing in a day.
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Padang Bai |
The tourists will enjoy tours of the water there is available also a jukung-jukung locals as well as boat, car parking area available is quite extensive. Stores sellers of souvenir items found here as well.The highlights of this object is a place sheltered in a Bay with a sturdy black stone reefs so that life under the water is safe. In the eastern part of the coast of Padang Bai temperature white clean and bold so many tourists make use of them for a swim in the sea or sunbathing on the beach.
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Padang Bai |
In the sea East of bukit Padang Bai is excellent for Diving and snorkling to tourists because here there are many tropical fish with the beautiful karang-karangnya. Padang Bai is the place of landing of the tourists who visit to Bali by the sea are transported by large cruise ships are only anchored in Labuhan running amok.
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