Kedaton Earth Garden or Taman Bumi Kedaton is located seven miles from the center of Bandar Lampung - Kampung direction Sukarame II, Batuputu, West Telukbetung District, Lampung Province, Indonesia.
Kedaton Earth Garden is a tourist park zoo because it presents a number of animals ranging from Sumatran elephants (Elephas maxsimus sumatrensis) are imported from the Way Kambas National Park (WKNP), gibbon (Symphalangus syndactylus), monkey (Macaca nemestrina), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus), eagle (Folconidae), monitor lizards (Varanus Salvator), and various types of chicken from China, Arabia, and Australia.
Kedaton Earth Garden is located in the highlands to go to the location where visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the forest as it appears on the left and right side of the road and can see some of the region of Bandar Lampung road uphill and winding. In addition, also the visitors who prefer to buy by-the fruit of the visitors can buy it here because many traders found fruits like durian and papaya.
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