Sonobudyo Meseum As a Place to Save Historic and Archaeological Objects Which Exist Throughout Indonesia.
Sonobudoyo State Museum is a Regional Technical Implementation Unit at Yogyakarta Provincial Cultural Office, has the function of the management of museum objects that have a value of scientific culture, includes a collection of cultural development and educational guidance. While his job was to collect, care, preservation, conduct research, library services, educational guidance and presentation of cultural objects Sonobudoyo State Museum collection.
Sonobudoyo Museum located in downtown are in a strategic location, being within the Yogyakarta Cultural Center that much attention from various parties, both from within and outside the country.
Sonobudoyo building is home to the architecture of mosques joglo kesepuhan palace of Cirebon. Designed by Karsten Ir Th.
Sonobudoyo provincial museum in the hope that the future will be a description of the function of museums in terms of service and optimization of function, by looking at its potential, so that will have the prospects and opportunities for more developed and improved, in order to face competition both at national and international levels.
Collections of Museum Objects
A. Sonobudoyo State Museum as one of the museum that is common to have 10 (ten) collection types, namely:
1. Geological Collections
2. Biology Collection
3. Ethnographic Collections
4. Archaeology Collection
5. Collection Historika
6. Collection Numismatika
7. Collection Filologika
8. Collection Keramologika
9. Fine Arts Collection
10. Collection Technology
The collection of collections obtained through the submission of the community with a system of compensation, grants, orders, goods entrusted.
B. Total 10 species Sonobudoyo State Museum collection, with details as follows:
1. Geology Collection: 13
2. Biology Collection: 34
3. Collection Ethnografi: 8157
4. Archaeology Collection: 1981
5. Collection Historika: 42
6. Collection Numismatika: 21,914
7. Collection Filologika: 1240
8. Collection Keramologika: 384
9. Collection of Fine Arts: 9120
10. Collection Technology: 384
Total: 43,235
Position in March 2006
C. Of the total 10 types of data objects Sonobudoyo State Museum collection of 43,235 pieces:
1. Been inventoried some 11,031 units (25.51%)
2. Not yet inventoried some 32,204 units (74.48%)
D. Collection on display at the permanent exhibition space at the State Museum Sonobudoyo unit I consists of 1184 pieces:
1. Ethnography Collection: 715 pieces
2. Archaeology Collection: 445 pieces
3. Nimismatika Collection: 14 pieces
4. Collection Keramologika: 7 pieces
5. Collection Filologika: 3 pieces
F. Collection on display at the permanent exhibition space at the State Museum Sonobudoyo Unit II as many as 810 pieces consist of:
1. Geologika Collection: 38 pieces
2. Biologika Collection: 31 pieces
3. Ethnografika Collection: 304 pieces
4. Numismatika Collection: 147 pieces
5. Filologika Collection: 12 pieces
6. Collection of Fine Arts: 161 pieces
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