Friday, August 6, 2010

Kuta Beach Lombok Popular and Favourite Tourism In The World

Kuta Beach Of Lombok ( NTB )

Kuta Beach - Lombok

Kuta Beach, Lombok is a place of tourism on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesian. Beaches with white sand lies a village called Village of Kuta.

Kuta village started to become attractive tourist destinations in Indonesia since the establishment of many new hotels. Besides the natural beauty that can be enjoyed in this village, once a year in Sasak village held a ceremony is the ceremony ini.

In this ceremony nyale sailors looking for worms in the sea. According to legend, there used to be a princess, named Princess Mandalika, a very beautiful, many princes and youth who want to marry him. Because he can not make decisions, then he plunged into the sea water.

He previously promised that he will come back once a year. Her long hair became guts these worms.
Village \ Kute with white sand beaches located on the southern coast of Lombok island. Surrounded by rows of hills. In the early morning scenery can be seen from the hilltops. In addition there many beaches that are not less interesting along the South coast. The last two very good as the location for windsurfing as well as to other beach sports.


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