Saturday, October 30, 2010

Yogyakarata Palace or Better Known as Kraton Yogyakarta

History Keraton Yogyakarta Or Yogyakarta Palace

 Ngayogyakarta which is often referred to as the Yogyakarta Sultanate was established in 1755. Palace building is fenced off Beteng a distance of about 5 km wide. In the four corner points of buildings there Beteng small building and called the corner Beteng. Entrance to the Palace Beteng through what is referred to as plengkung.

Inside the building in addition to existing building Beteng Palace, residence of King, there are a number of surrounding villages as a place of living of the population, which in earlier times the courtiers of the Palace, but in the next stage, until now, people who live in the Palace Beteng not necessarily as a servant dalem, but can people from other ethnic, tribal hobo for example, who resides there because had purchased land and building houses from the previous owner, or, it could be a boarding or contract in Kraton district areas in the neighborhood, in local terms, "njeron Beteng "(in Beteng). Thus, the settlers living in "njeron Beteng"  Kraton is not always related Kraton. Can be completely separated and no ties whatsoever, except only live for having bought land and buildings in the "njeron Beteng".

The names of villages in the "njeron Beteng" has its own history and each is different. It's good if you enjoy.

Layout Palace

The entire area of keratin that we kunungi this is 14 acres, and land area of 14 hectares is divided into 7 sections which consist of:

1. North plaza and Siti North Hinggil

2. North Kemandhungan

3. Page Srimanganti. Sri means King while Manganti mean waiting

4. Kedhaton

5. Kemegangan

6. South Kemandhungan

7. South plaza and Sasono Hinggil

 Spatial meaning Palace

Spatial Palace has 2 parts, namely Ward Kenchington and Prabayeksa Building. Kencana Ward serves as the great meeting place such as marriage, circumcision and kosher gatherings, ceremonies penyemayaman sultan's body, as well as for entertaining guests great. Meanwhile, House Prabayeksa serves as a place to save the heritage palace which is a dagger, Bomba and others. Prabayeksa building is open every month of Sura, where the heirlooms are washed palace.

Function places at Palace

In general, the Palace has a number of places that have different functions. Number of places contained in this palace is 8 places, namely:

1. North plaza serves as a gym warrior.

2. Siti North Hinggil serves as a place of inauguration of the King.

3. North Kemandhungan serves as a place for soldiers to gather.

4. Srimanganti. As has been said before, Srimanganti consists of two words that mean the king and Sri Manganti which means waiting. Therefore Srimanganti serves as the living room in antiquity, but its function has changed now. Now, Srimanganti used as a place of art in which every person can watch puppet who is held every Sunday, shadow puppets are held every Wednesday, and puppet show.

5. Kedhaton serves as the residence of King along with his family.

6. Kemegangan taken from the word drink tea and serves as the royal kitchen.

7. South Kemandhungan serves as a place of sport archery. Because this field is used as a place of sport archery, then this place is also often used as a place to hold the archery competition.

8. South Hinggil Sasono serves as a place to hold leather puppet.

9. South plaza serves as a gathering place of soldiers


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