Saturday, October 16, 2010

Siung Beach In Gunung Kidul of Yogyakarta

Siung Beach is Beautiful Day ( Indonesia : Keindahan Pantai siung Sepanjang hari)

Siung beach is located in Purwodadi Village, Tepus district, about 35 kilometers from Wonosari City with asphalt road to the beach. Siung beach lies between Two-step Mountains, which have a specific cliff. It's very suitable for rock climbing and this is heaven for climbers because they have at least 250 climb ways with beautiful sea panorama. It is nice rock climbing with rumbling waves and fresh sea wind blow. In this area ever to organize Asian Climbing Gathering that followed by 80 participants from 15 Asia's Countries, namely Thailand, Japan, China, Malaysia, etc.

Siung Beach - Yogyakarta - Airport
Siung Beach in a remote area in Gunung Kidul Regency, to the south of Tepus Sub-Regency to be exact. The distance is around 70 kilometer from the center of Yogyakarta city or it will take you around 2 hours drive. Since it is difficult to get public transportation to go the beach, it would be easier if you make your travel with your own vehicle. Public bus or mini van from Wonosari city will stop at Tepus area only and you have to wait long to get one.

Siung Beach - Yogyakarta - Trip - Travel

Trip To Siung Beah

You cannot escape from the hindrances. The easiest route with smooth asphalted road you best take is Yogyakarta - Wonosari continued with Wonosari - Baron - Tepus route. Another route, namely Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Gunung Kidul, has harder challenges with road full of holes, while Wonogiri - Gunung Kidul route is to far to take from Yogyakarta city.

Siung Beach - Hotel- Resort- Trip- Airport


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