Keris Indonesia's traditional weapons, especially Javanese
As a work of art in the form of sharp weapon with a shape typical only one in the world, a dagger found in almost all areas Archipelago. But many archaeological and historical findings that highly reinforces the conclusion that the keris early generations are made in Java Central and East Java. Therefore, this book attempts to discuss Javanese kris special comprehensive, ranging from the aspect of mystical, fairy tales, legends, beliefs, philosophy, history, manufacturing techniques to traditions associated with the dagger in the Javanese way of life. The values adopted here are the values adopted until about the 20th century, when cultural development keris reached the point of culmination.
Hundreds of illustrations of kris blades in this book are based on object real and not imaginary or fictitious. This book also tries tabulation presents the characteristics and meaning to get to know the names of the form of bar keris. For the decoration pattern prestige, in addition to the meaning of names also presented several engineering manufacture, something that once very concealed and loaded with myths or fairy tales.
Similarly, on how to choose the dagger, when in many circles still be heard stories about the 'efficacy' keris certain this book attempts to present some way assess the quality of the keris, either visually, emotionally, spiritually, and tradition. All of the above summarized and written as a contribution towards the birth of what
called: krisologi.
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